
PubMed Listing

Percutaneous microwave ablation of cT1b renal cell carcinoma: Safety and oncologic efficacy in a large, single-center elderly and comorbid cohort

Abdelazim A, Shapiro D, Borza T, Allen GO, Hinshaw JL, Lee FT Jr, Ziemlewicz TJ, Brace CL, Semerjian AM, Abel EJ, Wells SA.
Abdom Radiol; :, 2025. PDF

Quantitative digital subtraction venography for venous interventions: Validation in phantom and in vivo porcine models

Periyasamy S, Oberstar EL, Whitehead JF, Kutlu AZ; Pieper AA, Hoffman CA, Li G, Brace CL, Speidel MA, Laeseke PF
J Vasc Interv Radiol; 35:1367-1376, 2024. PDF

Microwave ablation of the porcine growth plate: A method for minimally invasive epiphysiodesis

Noonan S, Miller K, Goldstein S, Leiferman E, White J, Noonan K, Brace CL.
Clin Orthop Relat Res; 482:1494-1503, 2024. | PubMed Central | PDF

A hybrid deformable registration method to generate motion-compensated 3D virtual MRI for fusion with interventional real-time 3D ultrasound

Mitra J, BhushanC, Ghose S, Mills D, Patel A, Tarasek M, Foo T, Wells S, Jupitz S, Bednarz B, Brace C, Holmes J, Yeo D.
Int J Comp Assist Surg; 18:1509-1509, 2023. PDF

MWA performed at 5.8 GHz through ‘side firing’ approach: An exploratory study

Bottiglieri A, Brace C, O’Halloran M, Farina L
Sensors (Basel); 22:9320, 2022. | PubMed Central | PDF

A C-arm photon counting CT prototype with volumetric coverage using multi-sweep step-and-shoot acquisitions

Treb K, Ji X, Feng M, Zhang R, Periyasamy S, Laeseke PF, Dingle AM, Brace CL, Li K.
Phys Med Biol; 67:215003, 2022. | PubMed Central | PDF

Contrast-enhanced CT immediately following percutaneous microwave ablation of cT1a renal cell carcinoma: Optimizing cancer outcomes.

Koebe SD, Curci NE, Caoili EM, Triche BL, Dreyfuss LD, Allen GO, Brace CL, Davenport MS, Abel EJ, Wells SA.
Abdom Radiol; 47:2674-2680, 2022. PDF

Split-bolus CT urography after microwave ablation of renal cell carcinoma improves image quality and reduces radiation exposure.

Tannenbaum AP, Lubner MG, Mithqal A, Ziemlewicz TJ, Allen GO, Brace CL, Jason Abel E, Mankowski-Gettle L, Schenkman NS, Wells SA.
Abdom Radiol; 47:2230-2237, 2022. PDF

Effect of metabolic syndrome on anatomy and function of the lower urinary tract assessed on MRI

Tannenbaum AP, Grimes MD, Brace CL, Johnson CJ, Koebe SD, Anzia LE, Mao L, Ricke WA, Hernando D, Roldan-Alzate A, Wells SA.
Urology; 159:176-181, 2022. PDF

Consensus guidelines for the definition of time-to-event end points in image-guided tumor ablation: Results of the SIO and DATECAN initiative

Puijk RS, Ahmed M, Adam A, Arai Y, Arellano R, de Baère T, Bale R, Bellera C, Binkert CA, Brace CL, Breen DJ, Brountzos E, Callstrom MR, Carrafiello G, Chapiro J, de Cobelli F, Coupé VMH, Crocetti L, Denys A, Dupuy DE, Erinjeri JP, Filippiadis D, Gangi A, Gervais DA, Gillams AR, Greene T, Guiu B, Helmberger T, Iezzi R, Kang TW, Kelekis A, Kim HS, Kröncke T, Kwan S, Lee MW, Lee FT, Lee EW Jr, Liang P, Lissenberg-Witte BI, Lu DS, Madoff DC, Mauri G, Meloni MF, Morgan R, Nadolski G, Narayanan G, Newton I, Nikolic B, Orsi F, Pereira PL, Pua U, Rhim H, Ricke J, Rilling W, Salem R, Scheffer HJ, Sofocleous CT, Solbiati LA, Solomon SB, Soulen MC, Sze D, Uberoi R, Vogl TJ, Wang DS, Wood BJ, Goldberg SN, Meijerink MR.
Radiology; 301:533-540, 2021. PDF

Advanced CT techniques for hepatic microwave ablation zone monitoring and follow-up

Lubner MG, Ziemlewicz TJ, Wells SA, Li K, Wu PH, Hinshaw JL, Lee FT Jr, Brace CL.
Abdom Radiol; 47:2658-2668, 2022. PDF

Feature-based automated segmentation of ablation zones by fuzzy C-mean clustering during low-dose computed tomography

Wu PH, Bedoya MJ, White JK, Brace CL.
Medical Physics; 48:703-714, 2021. | PubMed Central | PDF

An analysis of open-ended coaxial probe sensitivity to heterogeneous media

Brace CL, Etoz S.
Sensors; 20:5372, 2020. | PubMed Central | PDF

CT and MR imaging surveillance of stage 1 renal cell carcinoma after microwave ablation

Wetley KA, Abel JE, Dreyfuss LD, Huang W, Brace CL, Wells SA.
Abdom Radiol; 45:2810-2824, 2020. PDF

Computed tomography-based modeling of water vapor-induced changes in permittivity during microwave ablation

Etoz S, Brace CL.
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng; 67:2427-2433, 2020. PDF

Heating technology for malignant tumors: a review

Kok HP, Cressman ENK, Ceelen WP, Brace CL, Ivkov R, Grüll H, ter Haar G, Wust P, Crezee H.
Int J Hyperthermia; 37:711-741, 2020. PDF

Microwave ablation of the liver in a live porcine model: The impact of power, time and total energy on ablation zone size and shape

Hui T, Brace CL, Hinshaw JL, Quek LHH, Huang KH, Kwan J, Lim GHT, Lee FT Jr, Pua U.
Int J Hyperthermia; 37:668-676, 2020. PDF

Radiofrequency and microwave ablation in a porcine liver model: non-contrast CT and ultrasound radiologic-pathologic correlation

Ziemlewicz TJ, Hinshaw JL, Lubner MG, Knott EA, Willey BJ, Lee FT Jr, Brace CL.
Int J Hyperthermia; 37:799-807, 2020. | PubMed Central | PDF

Evaluation of tissue deformation during thermal ablation: Influence of output energy delivery

Liu D, Brace CL.
Med Phys; 46:4127-4134, 2019. PDF

Tissue permittivity measurement with concurrent CT imaging: Analysis of heterogeneity effects

Etoz S, Brace CL.
13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP); 2019:1-5, 2019. PDF

Quantitative 4D-digital subtraction angiography to assess changes in hepatic arterial flow during transarterial embolization: A feasibility study in a swine model

Meram E, Longhurst C, Brace CL, Laeseke PF.
J Vasc Interv Radiol; 30:1286–1292, 2019. PDF

Two‐dimensional ultrasound‐computed tomography image registration for monitoring percutaneous hepatic intervention

Pohlman RM, Turney MR, Wu PH, Brace CL, Ziemlewicz TJ, Varghese T.
Med Phys; 46:2600-2609, 2019. PDF

Percutaneous microwave tumor ablation is safe in patients with cardiovascular implantable electronic devices: A single institution retrospective review

Swietlik JF, Longo KC, Knott EA, Hinshaw JL, Brace CL, Alexander M, Lubner MG, Wells SA, Lee Jr FT, Ziemlewicz TJ.
J Vasc Interv Radiol; 30:396-400, 2019. PDF

Ultrasound-guided microwave ablation for the management of inguinal neuralgia after inguinal herniorrhaphy: A preliminary study with 1-year follow-up

Lee KS, Greenberg JA, Hanna A, Zea R, Patil P, Sin JM, Brace CL.
J Vasc Interv Radiol; 30:242-248, 2019. PDF

Comparison of conventional and cone-beam CT for guiding and assessing pulmonary microwave ablation

Meram E, Longhurst C, Brace CL, Laeseke PF.
J Vasc Interv Radiol; 29:1447-1454, 2018. PDF

Development of water content dependent tissue dielectric property models

Etoz S, Brace CL.
IEEE J Electromagn RF Microw Med Biol; 3:105-110, 2018. | PubMed Central | PDF

Development of a tissue dielectric property model based on Maxwell-Fricke mixture theory

Etoz S, Greisch W, Brace CL.
IEEE ImBioC; 2018:22-24, 2018. PDF

Combination therapies: quantifying the effects of transarterial embolization on microwave ablation zones

Knavel E, Green CM, Gendron-Fitzpatrick A, Brace CL, Laeseke PF
J Vasc Interv Radiol; 29:1050-1056, 2018. PDF

Quantifying optical properties with visible and near-infrared optical coherence tomography to visualize esophageal microwave ablation zones

Niemier R, Etoz S, Gil D, Skala M, Brace CL, Rogers JD.
Biomed Optics Exp; 9:1648-1663, 2018. | PubMed Central | PDF

Combination transarterial chemoembolization and microwave ablation improves local tumor control for 3- to 5-cm hepatocellular carcinoma when compared with transarterial chemoembolization alone

Smolock A, Cristescu M, Hinshaw A, Woo K, Wells SA, Ziemlewicz TJ, Lubner MG, Dalvie PS, Hinshaw JL, Brace CL, Ozkan OS, Lee FT Jr, Laeseke PF.
Abdominal Radiol; 43:2497-2504, 2018. PDF

Analysis of microwave ablation antenna optimization techniques

Etoz S, Brace CL.
Int J RF Microw Comput Aided Eng; e21224:1-9, 2017. PDF

Ablation zone visualization enhancement by periodic contrast-enhanced computed tomography during microwave ablation

Wu PH, Borden Z, Brace CL.
Med Phys; 44:2132-2140, 2017. | PubMed Central | PDF

Microwave ablation of the lung in a porcine model: Vessel diameter predicts pulmonary artery occlusion

Carberry GA, Nocerino E, Smolock A, Cristescu M, Lee FT Jr, Brace CL
Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol; 40:1609-1616, 2017. PDF

Potential mechanisms of vascular thrombosis after microwave ablation in an in vivo liver

Chiang J, Nickel K, Kimple RJ, Brace CL
J Vasc Interv Radiol; 28:1053-1058, 2017. | PubMed Central | PDF

Monitoring microwave ablation of ex-vivo bovine liver using ultrasonic attenuation imaging

Sammimi K, White JK, Brace CL, Varghese T.
Ultrasound Med Biol; 43:1441-1451, 2017. | PubMed Central | PDF

Effect of tumor complexity and technique on efficacy and complications after percutaneous microwave ablation of stage T1a renal cell carcinoma: A single-center, retrospective study

Klapperich ME, Abel EJ, Ziemlewicz TJ, Best S, Lubner MG, Nakada SY, Hinshaw JL, Brace CL, Lee FT Jr, Wells SA.
Radiology; 284:272-280, 2017. PDF

MR visible localization device for radiographic-pathologic correlation of surgical specimens

Kinner S, Schubert TB, Nocerino EA, Hynes S, Colgan TJ, Loeffler AG, Brace C, Reeder SB, Winslow E.
Magn Reson Imaging; 37:159-163, 2017. PDF

Safety and efficacy of percutaneous microwave hepatic ablation near the heart

Carberry GA, Smolock AR, Cristescu M, Wells SA, Ziemlewicz TJ, Lubner MG, Hinshaw JL, Brace CL, Lee FT Jr.
J Vasc Interv Radiol; 28:490-497, 2017. PDF

Numerical simulation of microwave ablation incorporating tissue contraction based on thermal dose

Liu D, Brace CL.
Phys Med Biol; 62:2070-2086, 2017. | PubMed Central | PDF

Effects of microwave ablation on arterial and venous vasculature after treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma

Chiang J, Christescu M, Lee MH, Hinshaw JL, Lee FT Jr, Brace CL.
Radiology; 281:617-624, 2016. | PubMed Central | PDF

Design of a dual-slot antenna for small animal microwave ablation studies

Moon TJ, Brace CL.
IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc; 2016:348-351, 2016. PDF

Pulmonary microwave ablation near the heart: Antenna positioning can mitigate cardiac complications in a porcine model

Carberry GA, Nocerino E, Mason PJ, Schwahn DJ, Hetzel S, Turnquist AM, Lee FT Jr, Brace CL
Radiology; 282:892-902, 2017. PDF

Analysis of iodinated contrast delivered during thermal ablation: Is material trapped in the ablation zone?

Wu P-H, Brace CL.
Phys Med Biol; 61:6041-54, 2016. | PubMed Central | PDF

Interstitial microwave treatment for cancer: historical basis and current techniques in antenna design and performance

Ryan TP, Brace CL.
Int J Hyperthermia; 33:3-14, 2017. PDF

Microwave ablation in primary and secondary liver tumors: technical and clinical approaches

Meloni MF, Chiang J, Laeseke PF, Dietrich CF, Sannino A, Solbiati M, Nocerino E, Brace CL, Lee FT Jr.
Int J Hyperthermia; 33:15-24, 2017. PDF

Hepatic thermal ablation: Effect of device and heating parameters on local tissue reactions and distant tumor growth.

Velez E, Goldberg SN, Kumar G, Wang Y, Gourevitch S, Sosna J, Moon T, Brace CL, Ahmed M.
Radiology; 281:782-792, 2016. | PubMed Central | PDF

Indication of percutaneous microwave ablation for the treatment of hepatic adenomas: Squaring the circle response

Ziemlewicz TJ, Smolock AR, Brace CL
J Vasc Interv Radiol; 27:933-934, 2016. PDF

Percutaneous microwave ablation of T1a and T1b renal cell carcinoma: Short-term efficacy and complications with emphasis on tumor complexity and single session treatment

Wells SA, Wheeler KM, Mithqal A, Patel MS, Brace CL, Schenkman NS.
Abdominal Imaging; 41:1203-1211, 2016. PDF

Hepatic tumor ablation

Ziemlewicz TJ, Wells SA, Lubner MG, Brace CL, Lee FT Jr, Hinshaw JL.
Surg Clin North Am; 96:315-329, 2016. PDF

Radiofrequency and microwave ablation of subcapsular hepatocellular carcinoma accessed by direct puncture: Safety and efficacy.

Francica G, Meloni MF, de Sio I, Smolock AR, Brace CL, Iadevaia MD, Santambrogio R, Sironi S, Scaglione M, Lee FT Jr.
Eur J Radiol; 85:739-743, 2016. PDF

Microwave versus radiofrequency ablation treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma: a comparison of efficacy at a single center

Potretzke TA, Ziemlewicz TJ, Louis Hinshaw J, Lubner MG, Wells SA, Brace CL, Agarwal P, Lee FT Jr.
J Vasc Interv Radiol; 27:631-638, 2016. | PubMed Central | PDF

Percutaneous microwave ablation of renal angiomyolipomas

Cristescu M, Abel E, Wells SA, Ziemlewicz TJ, Hedican S, Lubner M, Brace CL, Hinshaw JL, Lee FT Jr.
Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol; 39:433-440, 2016. PDF

Microwave ablation for the treatment of hepatic adenomas

Smolock AR, Lubner MG, Ziemlewicz TJ, Hinshaw JL, Potretske TA, Brace CL, Lee FT Jr
J Vasc Interv Radiol; 27:244-249, 2016. PDF

Microwave ablation: Comparison of simultaneous and sequential activation of multiple antennas in liver model systems

Harari C, Magagna M, Bedoya M, Lee FT Jr, Brace CL.
Radiology; 278:95-103, 2016. PDF

Liver ablation: Best practice

Wells SA, Hinshaw JL, Lubner MG, Ziemlewicz TJ, Brace CL, Lee FT Jr.
Radiol Clin North Am; 53:933-971, 2015. PDF

Heat transfer within hydrodissection fluids: An analysis of thermal conduction and convection using liquid and gel materials

Johnson AD, Brace CL.
International Journal of Hyperthermia; 31:551-9, 2015. PDF

Evaluation of a thermoprotective gel for hydrodissection during percutaneous microwave ablation: in vivo results

Moreland A, Johnson AD, Hinshaw JL, Lubner MG, Ziemlewicz TG, Lee FT Jr, Brace CL.
Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol; 38:722-730, 2015. | PubMed Central | PDF

Modeling and validation of microwave ablations with internal vaporization

Chiang J, Birla S, Jones D, Subbiah J, Brace CL.
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng; 62:657-663, 2015. | PubMed Central | PDF

Microwave ablation of hepatic tumors abutting the diaphragm is safe and effective

Smolock AR, Lubner MG, Ziemlewicz TJ, Hinshaw JL, Kitchin DR, Brace CL, Lee FT Jr
Am J Roentgenology; 204:197-203, 2015. PDF

Percutaneous microwave ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma with a gas-cooled system: initial clinical results with 107 tumors.

Ziemlewicz T, Hinshaw JL, Lubner MG, Brace CL, Alexander ML, Agrawal P, Lee FT Jr
J Vasc Interv Radiol; 26:62-68, 2015. | PubMed Central | PDF

Microwave ablation energy delivery: Influence of power pulsing on ablation results in an ex vivo and in vivo liver model

Bedoya M, Del Rio AM, Chiang J, Brace CL
Med Phys; 41:123301, 2014. | PubMed Central | PDF

Predictors of thrombosis in hepatic vasculature during microwave ablation of an in-vivo porcine model

Chiang J, Willey BJ, Munoz del Rio A, Lee FT Jr, Hinshaw JL, Brace CL.
J Vasc Interv Radiol; 25:1965-1971, 2014. | PubMed Central | PDF

Early small-bowel ischemia: Dual-energy CT improves conspicuity compared with conventional CT in a swine model

Potretzke T, Lubner MG, Lee FT Jr, Brace CL
Radiology; 275:119-126, 2015. PDF

Inducing valvular regurgitation in mice via thermal ablation of cardiac valves

Mulchrone A, Hacker T, Chesler N, Brace CL
IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc; 2014:5663 - 5666, 2014. | PubMed Central | PDF

CT imaging during microwave ablation: Analysis of spatial and temporal tissue contraction

Liu D, Brace CL.
Med Phys; 41:113303, 2014. PDF

High powered microwave ablation of T1a renal cell carcinoma: Safety and early clinical efficacy

Moreland A, Ziemlewicz T, Best S, Hinshaw JL, Lubner M, Alexander M, Brace CL, Kitchin D, Hedican S, Nakada S, Lee FT Jr, Abel JE.
J Endourol; 28:1046-1052, 2014. | PubMed Central | PDF

Creation of short microwave ablation zones: In vivo characterization of single and paired modified triaxial antennas

Lubner MG, Hinshaw JL, Lee FT Jr, Brace CL
J Vasc Interv Radiol; 25:1633-1640, 2014. | PubMed Central | PDF

Percutaneous tumor ablation tools: Microwave, radiofrequency, or cryoablation. What should you use and why?

Hinshaw JL, Lubner MG, Ziemlewicz TJ, Brace CL, Lee FT Jr.
Radiographics; 34:1344-1362, 2014. | PubMed Central | PDF

Microwave ablation of malignant hepatic tumors: Intraperitoneal fluid instillation prevents collateral damage and allows more aggressive case selection

Kitchin D, Lubner MG, Ziemlewicz TJ, Hinshaw JL, Alexander M, Brace CL, Lee FT Jr
Int J Hyperthermia; 30:299-305, 2014. | PubMed Central | PDF

Microwave ablation of giant hepatic cavernous hemangiomas

Ziemlewicz T, Wells SA, Lubner MG, Musat AI, Hinshaw JL, Cohn AR, Lee FT Jr
Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol; 37:1299-1305, 2014. PDF

Image-guided tumor ablation: standardization of terminology and reporting criteria – a 10-year update

Ahmed M, Solbiati L, Brace CL, Breen DJ, Callstrom MR, Charboneau JW, Chen MH, Choi BI, de Baère T, Dodd GD 3rd, Dupuy DE, Gervais DA, Gianfelice D, Gillams AR, Lee FT Jr, Leen E, Lencioni R, Littrup PJ, Livraghi T, Lu DS, McGahan JP, Meloni MF, Nikolic B, Pereira PL, Liang P, Rhim H, Rose SC, Salem R, Sofocleous CT, Solomon SB, Soulen MC, Tanaka M, Vogl TJ, Wood BJ, Goldberg SN
Radiology; 273:241-260, 2014. | PubMed Central | PDF

Tumor ablation: Common modalities and general practices

Knavel EM, Brace CL.
Tech Vasc Intervent Radiol; 16:192-200, 2013. | PubMed Central | PDF

Design and validation of a thermoreversible material for percutaneous tissue hydrodissection

Johnson A, Sprangers AJ, Heyrman S, Cassidy P, Hinshaw JL, Lubner MG, Brace CL.
J Biomed Mater Res Part B; 101:1400-1409, 2013. | PubMed Central | PDF

Computational modelling of microwave tumour ablations

Chiang J, Wang P, Brace CL.
Int J Hyperthermia; 29:308-317, 2013. | PubMed Central | PDF

Microwave ablation of hepatic malignancy

Lubner MG, Brace CL, Ziemlewicz TJ, Hinshaw JL, Lee FT Jr.
Semin Intervent Radiol; 30:56-66, 2013. | PubMed Central | PDF

Microwave tumor ablation: Cooperative academic-industry development of a high-power gas-cooled system with early clinical results

Brace CL, Ziemlewicz TJ, Hinshaw JL, Lubner MG, Schefelker R, Lee FT Jr.
SPIE Proceedings; 858405:1-3, 2013. PDF

A dual-slot microwave antenna for more spherical ablation zones: Ex vivo and in vivo validation

Chiang J, Hynes KA, Bedoya M, Brace CL.
Radiology; 268:382-389, 2013. | PubMed Central | PDF

Visualizing ex vivo radiofrequency and microwave ablation zones using electrode vibration elastography

DeWall R, Varghese T, Brace CL.
Med Phys; 39:6692-6700, 2012. | PubMed Central | PDF

Contrast media-doped hydrodissection during thermal ablation: Optimizing contrast media concentration for improved visibility on CT images

Campbell C, Lubner MG, Hinshaw JL, Munoz del Rio A, Brace CL.
Am J Roentgenology; 199:677-682, 2012. | PubMed Central | PDF

Flow-dependent vascular heat transfer during microwave thermal ablation

Chiang J, Hynes K, Brace CL.
IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc; 2012:5582-5585, 2012. | PubMed Central | PDF

A comparison of direct heating during radiofrequency and microwave ablation in ex vivo liver

Andreano A, Brace CL.
Cardiovasc and Intervent Radiol; 36:505-511, 2013. | PubMed Central | PDF

High-powered microwave ablation with a small-gauge gas cooled antenna: Initial ex vivo and in vivo results

Lubner MG, Hinshaw JL, Lee FT Jr, Brace CL.
J Vasc Interv Radiol; 23:405-411, 2012. | PubMed Central | PDF

High-powered gas-cooled microwave ablation: Shaft cooling creates an effective stick function without altering the ablation zone.

Knavel E, Hinshaw JL, Lubner MG, Andreano A, Lee FT Jr, Brace CL.
Am J Roentgenology; 198:W260-W265, 2012. | PubMed Central | PDF

Quantifying local stiffness variations in radiofrequency ablations with dynamic nanoindentation

DeWall R, Varghese T, Brace CL.
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng; 59:728-35, 2012. | PubMed Central | PDF

Tissue dielectric measurement using an interstitial dipole antenna

Wang P, Brace CL.
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng; 59:115-121, 2012. | PubMed Central | PDF

Thermal tumor ablation in clinical use

Brace CL.
IEEE Pulse; 2:28-38, 2011. PDF

Expanded modeling of temperature-dependent dielectric properties for microwave thermal ablation

Ji Z, Brace CL.
Phys Med Biol; 56:5249-5264, 2011. | PubMed Central | PDF

Dual-slot antennas for microwave tissue heating: Parametric design analysis and experimental validation.

Brace CL.
Med Phys; 38:4232-4240, 2011. | PubMed Central | PDF

Learning assessment in a design-throughout-the-curriculum program

Chesler N, Brace CL, Tompkins W.
ASEE Meeting Digest; AC 2011-117:1-4, 2011. PDF

Thermal ablation for the treatment of abdominal tumors

Brace CL, Hinshaw JL, Lubner MG.
J Vis Exp; Mar 7:1-4, 2011. | PubMed Central | PDF

Thermal ablation of lung tumors

Sonntag PD, Hinshaw JL, Lubner MG, Brace CL, Lee FT Jr.
Surg Oncol Clin N Am; 20:369-387, 2011. | PubMed Central | PDF

Principles of and advances in percutaneous ablation

Ahmed M, Brace CL, Lee FT Jr, and Goldberg SN.
Radiology; 258:351-369, 2011. PDF

Temperature isotherms during pulmonary cryoablation and their correlation with the zone of ablation

Hinshaw JL, Durick NA, Leung W, Lee FT Jr, Sampson LA, and Brace CL.
J Vasc Interv Radiol; 21:1424-1428, 2010. | PubMed Central | PDF

Tissue contraction caused by radiofrequency and microwave ablation: A laboratory study in liver and lung.

Brace CL, Diaz TA, Hinshaw JL, Lee, FT Jr.
J Vasc Interv Radiol; 21:1280-1286, 2010. | PubMed Central | PDF

Microwave tissue ablation: Biophysics, technology, and applications.

Brace CL.
Crit Rev Biomed Eng; 38:65-78, 2010. | PubMed Central | PDF

Optimizing the protocol for pulmonary cryoablation: A comparison of a dual and triple freeze protocol

Hinshaw JL, Sampson LA, Lee FT Jr, Brace CL.
Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol; 33:1180-1185, 2010. | PubMed Central | PDF

Microwave tumor ablation: Mechanism of action, clinical results and devices.

Lubner MG, Brace CL, Hinshaw JL, Lee FT Jr.
J Vasc Interv Radiol; 21:S192-203, 2010. | PubMed Central | PDF

Microwaves create larger ablations than radiofrequency when controlled for power in ex vivo tissue

Andreano A, Huang Y, Meloni MF, Lee FT Jr, Brace CL.
Med Phys; 37:2967-2973, 2010. | PubMed Central | PDF

Ultrasound-based relative elastic modulus imaging for visualizing thermal ablation zones in a porcine model

Jiang J, Brace CL, Andreano A, DeWall RJ, Rubert N, Fisher T, Varghese T, Lee FT Jr, Hall TJ.
Phys Med Biol; 55:2281-2306, 2010. | PubMed Central | PDF

Electrode displacement strain imaging of thermally-ablated liver tissue in an in vivo animal model.

Rubert N, Bharat S, DeWall RJ, Andreano A, Brace CL, Jiang J, Sampson LA, Varghese T.
Med Phys; 37:1075-1082, 2010. | PubMed Central | PDF

Tumor boundary estimation through time domain peaks monitoring: Numerical predictions and experimental results in tissue mimicking phantoms

Wang P, Brace CL, Converse M, Webster JW.
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng; 56:2634-2641, 2009. | PubMed Central | PDF

Multiple-antenna microwave ablation: Spatially distributing power improves thermal profiles and reduces invasiveness.

Laeseke PF, Sampson LA, Lee FT Jr and Brace CL.
J Interv Oncol; 2:65-72, 2009. | PubMed Central | PDF

Radiology-pathology correlation of pulmonary cryoablation in a porcine model.

Hinshaw JL, Durick NA, Leung W, Lee FT Jr, Warner TF, Sampson LA, and Brace CL.
J Interv Oncol; 2:73-79, 2009. PDF

In vivo ultrasound electrode displacement strain imaging

RubertN , Bharat S, Dewall R, Andreano A, Brace C, Jiang C, Sampson L, Zagzebski JA, Lee FT Jr, Varghese T.
IEEE Int Ultrasound Symp; 19:131-134, 2009. PDF

Elastic modulus imaging (EMI) for visualizing thermal ablation zone: Initial experience in a porcine model

Jiang J, Brace CL, Andreano A, DeWall RJ, Rubert N, Fisher T, Varghese T, Lee FT Jr, Hall TJ.
IEEE Int Ultrasound Symp; 1:143-146, 2009. PDF

Microwave ablation technology: What every user should know

Brace CL.
Curr Probl Diagn Radiol; 38:61-68, 2009. | PubMed Central | PDF

Periodic contrast-enhanced computed tomography for ablation treatment monitoring.

Brace CL, Mistretta CA, Hinshaw JL, Lee FT Jr.
IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc; 1:4299-4302, 2009. | PubMed Central | PDF

Microwave ablation versus radiofrequency ablation in the kidney: High-power triaxial antennas create larger ablation zones than similarly sized internally cooled electrodes

Laeseke PF, Sampson LA, Lee FT Jr and Brace CL.
J Vasc Interv Radiol; 20:1224-1229, 2009. | PubMed Central | PDF

Young's modulus reconstruction for radio-frequency ablation electrode-induced displacement fields: A feasibility study

Jiang JJ, Varghese T, Brace CL, Madsen EL, Hall TJ, Bharat S, Hobson MA, Zagzebski JA, Lee FT Jr.
IEEE Trans Medical Imaging; 28:1325-1334, 2009. | PubMed Central | PDF

Radiofrequency and microwave ablation of the liver, lung, kidney, and bone: what are the differences?

Brace CL.
Curr Probl Diagn Radiol; 38:135-143, 2009. | PubMed Central | PDF

Pulmonary thermal ablation: Comparison of radiofrequency and microwave devices by using gross pathologic and CT findings in a swine model

Brace CL, Hinshaw JL, Laeseke PF, Sampson LA, and Lee FT Jr.
Radiology; 251:705-711, 2009. | PubMed Central | PDF

Radiofrequency ablation: Simultaneous application of multiple electrodes via switching creates larger, more confluent ablations than sequential application

Brace CL, Sampson LA, Hinshaw JL, Sandhu N, and Lee FT Jr.
J Vasc Interv Radiol; 20:118-124, 2009. | PubMed Central | PDF

Does selective intubation increase ablation zone size during pulmonary cryoablation?

Hinshaw JL, Lee FT Jr, Sampson LA, and Brace CL.
J Vasc Interv Radiol; 19:1497-1501, 2008. PDF

Temperature-dependent dielectric properties of liver tissue measured during thermal ablation: Toward an improved numerical model

Brace CL.
IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc; 1:230-233, 2008. PDF

Microwave ablation with triaxial antennas tuned for lung: Results in an in vivo porcine model

Durick N, Laeseke PF, Broderick LS, Warner TM, Frey TM, Sampson LA, Van der Weide DW, Lee FT Jr, and Brace CL.
Radiology; 247:80-87, 2008. PDF

Multiple-electrode radiofrequency ablation: comparison with a conventional cluster electrode in an in vivo porcine kidney model

Laeseke PF, Sampson LS, Frey TM, Mukherjee R, Winter TC III, Lee FT Jr and Brace CL.
J Vasc Interv Radiol; 18:1005-1010, 2007. PDF

Microwave ablation with multiple simultaneously powered small-gauge triaxial antennas: Results from an in vivo swine liver model

Brace CL, Laeseke PF, Sampson LA, Frey TM, van der Weide DW and Lee FT Jr.
Radiology; 244:151-156, 2007. PDF

Radiofrequency ablation with a high-power generator: Device efficacy in an in vivo porcine liver model

Brace CL, Laeseke PF, Frey TM, Sampson LS and Lee FT Jr.
Int J Hyperthermia; 23:387-294, 2007. PDF

Multiple-electrode RF ablation of hepatic malignancies: Initial clinical experience

Laeseke PF, Frey TM, Brace CL, Sampson LS, Winter TW III and Lee FT Jr.
Am J Roentgenology; 188:1485-1494, 2007. PDF

Microwave ablation with a single small-gauge triaxial antenna: In vivo porcine liver model

Brace CL, Laeseke PF, Sampson LA, Frey TM, van der Weide DW and Lee FT Jr.
Radiology; 242:435-440, 2007. | PubMed Central | PDF

Multiple-electrode radiofrequency ablation creates confluent areas of necrosis: Results in in vivo porcine liver

Laeseke PF, Sampson LA, Haemmerich D, Brace CL, Fine JP, Tatum TM, Winter TC III and Lee FT Jr.
Radiology; 241:116-124, 2006. PDF

Electrical isolation of organs during radiofrequency ablation: 5% dextrose in water provides better protection than saline

Brace CL, Laeseke PF, Prasad V and Lee FT Jr.
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Unintended thermal injuries from radiofrequency ablation: Protection with 5% dextrose in water

Laeseke PF, Sampson LA, Brace CL, Winter TC III, Fine JP and Lee FT Jr.
Am J Roentgenology; 186:S249-S254, 2006. PDF

Multiple-electrode RF ablation: Simultaneous production of separate zones of coagulation in an in vivo porcine liver model

Laeseke PF, Sampson LA, Haemmerich D, Brace CL, Fine JP, Tatum TM, Winter TC III and Lee FT Jr.
J Vasc Interv Radiol; 16:1727-1735, 2005. PDF

Microwave ablation with a triaxial antenna: results in ex vivo bovine liver.

Brace CL, Laeseke PF, van der Weide DW and Lee FT Jr.
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech; 53:215-220, 2005. | PubMed Central | PDF

Analysis and experimental validation of a triaxial antenna for microwave tumor ablation

Brace CL, van der Weide DW, Lee FT Jr, Laeseke PF and Sampson LA.
IEEE IMS Digest; 3:1437-1440, 2004. | PubMed Central | PDF